Grateful for the Ordinary – part II
What a magnificently ordinary day! In my recent post ‘Grateful for the Ordinary’ , I wrote about how we often forget to be grateful for those parts of our lives that are ordinary, common and oh so...
View ArticleHello Curve Ball!
My day was perfectly planned. Planned for everything, but the unexpected. While sitting at Starbucks writing (what was supposed to be today’s blog piece), I received the dreaded phone call. It’s...
View ArticleAwesome Action – Grow a Thankful Tree
Thanksgiving is one of the two times each year that my dad, sister and her two boys travel south to visit us….and I am counting the days (hours & minutes) until they arrive! Thanksgiving is my...
View ArticleThankful – Through the Eyes of a 13 Year Old
Recently I was organizing the clutter on my computer’s desk top when I came across a poem my Peter wrote last year in 8th grade. I was as moved this time as I was the very first time I read it. As we...
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